Updated August 30th, 2024 by kaushal.vachhani

MULTIPLE_XML_DATA_SOURCE error while working with XML data

Problem  While working with XML data in migration to 14.3 Databricks Runtime, you receive an error that multiple XML data sources were detected.  AnalysisException: [MULTIPLE_XML_DATA_SOURCE] Detected multiple data sources with the name xml (com.databricks.spark.xml.DefaultSource, org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.xml.XmlFileFormat) Cause S...

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Updated September 12th, 2024 by kaushal.vachhani

Table not available while creating AutoML experiment model

Problem  Your Hive metastore tables are not visible when selecting the Input training dataset in AutoML via the user interface (UI).  (The navigation path:  Workspace →  Experiments →  Create AutoML Experiment →  Experiment Configuration →  Input training dataset ) Cause Clusters with Hive metastore tables have a 2MB limit. If the schema contains th...

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