You are attempting to use the date_add() or date_sub() functions in Spark 3.0, but they are returning an Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException error message.
In Spark 2.4 and below, both functions work as normal.
%sql select date_add(cast('1964-05-23' as date), '12.34')
You are attempting to use a fractional or string value as the second argument.
In Spark 2.4 and below, if the second argument is a fractional or string value, it is coerced to an int value before date_add() or date_sub() is evaluated.
Using the example code listed above, the value 12.34 is converted to 12 before date_add() is evaluated.
In Spark 3.0, if the second argument is a fractional or string value, it returns an error.
Use int, smallint, or tinyint values as the second argument for the date_add() or date_sub() functions in Spark 3.0.
%sql select date_add(cast('1964-05-23' as date), '12')
%sql select date_add(cast('1964-05-23' as date), 12)
Both of these examples work properly in Spark 3.0.